Homily #090806m ( 10min) Play - We need to unite our sufferings with Christ. When we are suffering, it is helpful to consider how are our sufferings like Christ's or like Our Lady's.…
Homily #090807 ( 07min) Play - Saint Cajetan was born in 1480 at Vicenza near Venice in Italy, of the pious and noble family by the name of Thiena. His parents dedicated Cajetan…
Homily #090807m ( 08min) Play - Where there is love there is no real sacrifice, there is no real suffering. Suffering is caused by a loss, but in the case of our…
Ave Maria Mediations St. Dominic: Feast Day is August 8th Tradition associates the origin of the Rosary with St. Dominic as you can see depicted in this painting but it was not exactly…
Homily #090807s ( 18min) Play - “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but…
Homily #090807ms ( 12min) Play - St. Cajetan had a very radical trust in Divine Providence... While Franciscans give up the right to own any property communally or personally, St. Cajetan's order…
Homily #090808 ( 10min) Play - St Maximilian Kolbe is a modern example of a knight who practiced heroic chivalry as displayed by his actions when the Germans invaded Poland. Ave Maria! Audio…
Homily #090809 ( 17min) Play - The crowds wanted more free bread from our Lord but He had something better for them, the Bread from Heaven which will give true happiness, in this…
Homily #090809m ( 09min) Play - Father John Joseph speaks about how we should be foolishly in love with Our Lord in the Eucharist, and thus be willing to make great efforts to…
Homily #090810 ( 07min) Play - St Lawrence the Martyr points to the true treasures of the Catholic Church who are weak and suffering Christians and then adds to this treasury his own…
Roving Reporter #71 - Friar Roderick and Fr. Paul Check ( 08min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this episode, Friar Roderick interviews Fr. Paul Check, priest from the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT, and…
Ave Maria Meditations St. Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) Feast Day is August 11th In the year 1240, St Clare saved her sisters and her convent from plundering hordes of Saracen mercenaries through the…
Homily #090811 ( 09min) Play - St Clare, daughter of a noble family, became the most extraordinary disciple of St Francis the Poverello, the poor man of Assisi, and so she became the…
Homily #090811m ( 09min) Play - The union of mind, heart, and spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare can be compared to that of Christ and Our Blessed Lady. Ave Maria!…