May 26, 2014
May 26 – Homily – Fr Joachim: St. Philip Neri
Homily #140526n ( 09min) Play - Fr. Joachim gives us an overview of St. Philip Neri's life and vocation, and encourages us to imitate his example of joyful service to God and finding our…
May 29, 2014
May 29 – Homily – Fr Joachim: No Backup Plan
Homily #140529n ( 04min) Play - Father Joachim's relates a catechetical tale reminding us that God doesn't have a backup plan for evangelizing the world, we are the plan. Do we use the gifts…
June 2, 2014
Jun 02 – Homily – Fr Joachim: The Courage of Martyrs
Homily #140602n ( 04min) Play - Father gives us an overview of the lives and deaths of the martyrs we remember today, and encourages us to pray for the same courage they had,…
June 3, 2014
Jun 03 – Homily – Fr Matthias: The Martyrs of Uganda
Homily #140603n ( 12min) Play - Father Matthias relates the lives, sufferings, and deaths of today's Ugandan saints, who choose to die rather than give into the homosexual desires of the king. May…
July 2, 2014
Jul 02 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Swine Or God?
Homily #140702n ( 06min) Play - Fr. Maximilian reflects on today's Gospel reading and shows that the Gadarenes preferred their swine business, which was contrary to the Law, to the presence of Jesus…