From Slave to Saint: Patrick’s Journey to Ireland – Mar 17 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Mar 17, 2025, on how St. Patrick transformed from a sinful, irreligious youth into a captured slave whose faith blossomed during captivity, ultimately leading him to become the bishop who converted Ireland to Christianity.

Father details how St. Patrick, born around 385 AD, transformed from a wayward youth into Ireland's spiritual father. Like Daniel (Daniel 9), Patrick confessed not only his sins but those of his people. Though from a Christian family with his father and grandfather being clergy, Patrick grew up "not knowing the living God" and committed a grave sin as a teenager.
At 16, Patrick was captured by raiders and taken to Ireland as a slave. This captivity, like the Jews in Babylon (Daniel 1), became his spiritual awakening. While herding sheep in harsh conditions, Patrick developed fervent prayer habits, praying up to 100 times daily. This echoes the Psalmist's devotion (Psalm 119: 164).
After six years, Patrick received a divine message about his ship being ready (Acts 27: 23-24), prompting his 200-mile journey to freedom. His journey through devastated Gaul parallels Paul's trials (2 Corinthians 11: 26-27), with Patrick demonstrating faith by praying for food when starving, reminiscent of Christ feeding the multitude (Matthew 14: 15-21).
Later, Patrick experienced a vision similar to Paul's Macedonian call (Acts 16: 9), with an Irishman asking him to return. Despite family objections, Patrick obeyed God's call (Acts 5: 29).
After religious formation and ordination, Patrick returned to Ireland as bishop, spending 30 years evangelizing the island. He focused on converting princes first, knowing others would follow (CCC 854). Through his ministry, the Irish became "a people of the Lord," with many embracing monastic life and virginity consecrated to Christ (1 Corinthians 7: 34).

For Further Reading:
Daniel 9 - NAB - Daniel's prayer of confession -
Acts 16: 9 - NAB - Paul's vision of Macedonia -
1 Corinthians 7: 34 - NAB - On virginity consecrated to Christ -
Psalm 119: 164 - NAB - Praying seven times daily -
Acts 27: 23-24 - NAB - Divine guidance for journey -
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 854 - Mission: a requirement of Church's catholicity -
CCC #2683 - Witnesses who have gone before us -
CCC #2015 - Way of perfection -

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Patrick - Opt Mem -
Readings: Monday 2nd Week of Lent -
1st: dan 9:4-10
Resp: psa 79:8, 9, 11, 13
Gsp: luk 6:36-38

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