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Ave Maria Meditations

Dear God in Heaven, for all the agony suffered by Your Son, I offer reparation.  Dear God in Heaven, for each of the scourges, the thorns, the nails and the lance used to expel His most precious Blood, I offer reparation.  Dear God in Heaven, for the failure of mankind to recognize the time of their salvation, I beg Your mercy. 

Dear Jesus, for every sin, past, present and future, committed against Your most Sacred Heart, I seek your forgiveness. Dear Jesus: for each time Your Name is taken in vain, the source of Your suffering, I seek Your forgiveness. Dear Jesus: for every soul that refuses to recognize that You are the Lord of lords, and the King of kings, I seek Your forgiveness. Dear Jesus: for every life, including the unborn, that has been taken in an act of violence, extend Your divine mercy. Dear Jesus: for every unrepentant sinner, and for every unforgiven offense, extend Your Divine Mercy.

Dear Jesus: accept our prayers, offered for every pain You endured, for every taunt, for each rejection. Dear Jesus: permanently write on our hearts the fact that Your greatest suffering was the knowledge that Your passion and death would be in vain for so many. Lord have mercy! 

From “An Hour with Jesus” booklet

Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Author Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Our Lady found this unworthy lukewarm person and obtained for her the grace to enter the Third Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. May this person spend all eternity in showing her gratitude.

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