Silent Reflections on the Lord’s Incarnation – Dec 25 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Dec 25, 2024, on how Jesus, the Word made flesh, chose humility and silence to teach us divine wisdom and the value of spiritual poverty.

Father reflected on John 1: 1 to emphasize the divinity and humanity of Christ, the Word who became flesh to dwell among us. The shepherds in Bethlehem marveled at the fulfillment of Luke 2: 10-12, which identified the child as Christ the Lord. Through the poverty and humility of the Nativity, Father invited contemplation on God's choice to embrace human frailty and rejection, as seen in Matthew 8: 20 and Philippians 2: 7-8. The angelic message and the scene in the manger prompted reflections on miracles, akin to the "signs" referenced in John 2: 11.

Father recounted St. Francis's devotion, citing his first nativity scene as a reflection of the Incarnation, supported by the teachings in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 525 and CCC 526. The emphasis on poverty echoed St. Bernard's observations on its spiritual value, resonating with Matthew 6: 24, which contrasts serving God with wealth. Mary's silent contemplation of these mysteries reflected Luke 2: 19, inspiring the faithful to value penance, humility, and silence, as commended by CCC 1435.

Father concluded with the eloquent silence of Christ, described in Hebrews 1: 1-2, urging a deepened capacity to listen and reflect on God's Word, even when unspoken.

For Further Reading
John 1: 1 - NAB - The Word was with God -

Luke 2: 10-12 - NAB - The angel's message to shepherds -

Matthew 6: 24 - NAB - Serving God versus wealth -

Catechism of the Catholic Church 525 - Mystery of Christmas -

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1435 - Penance and transformation -

00:00 – Introduction and Greeting
00:07 – The Word Made Flesh
00:27 – The Wonder of the Nativity
01:06 – Contemplating God’s Humility
02:36 – Christ’s Choice of Poverty
03:25 – Lessons on Wealth and Penance
04:50 – Rejection and Redemption
07:00 – The Silent Eloquence of Christ

Ave Maria!

Mass: Nativity of the Lord (Day) - Solemnity -
Readings:  -
1st: isa 52:7-10
Resp: psa 98:1-6
2nd: heb 1:1-6
Gsp: joh 1:1-18

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