Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Salvation Prophesied – Dec 18 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Dec 18, 2024, on how Jesus is the prophesied Messiah who brings righteousness and redemption through His life and grace.

Father reflects on Jeremiah's prophecy about a "righteous shoot" to David, foretelling the coming of the Messiah. This Messiah is identified as Jesus, who fulfills the roles of both the anointed king and the dawn of righteousness, as foretold in various scriptures, including Jeremiah 23:5-6 and Psalm 72:7 . He also highlights the link to the Canticle of Zechariah, which speaks of the "sunrise from on high," symbolizing Christ (Luke 1:78).

The homily explains the significance of Jesus' name, meaning "the Lord is Salvation," emphasizing His role in saving people from sin, as foretold in Isaiah's "Emmanuel" prophecy (Isaiah 7:14). Furthermore, it interprets Joseph's discovery of Mary's miraculous pregnancy as part of God's redemptive plan, revealing Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of divine prophecy.

Father discusses how Jesus, through His crucifixion, stretches His arms to lead a new exodus—a redemption from sin—paralleling the ancient deliverance from Egypt. This is underlined by the antiphon "O Adonai," celebrating Christ's appearance to Moses and His giving of the law, which is now perfected in Christ's grace and sacraments (CCC 1123, CCC 1293). This reinforces that righteousness is a grace from Jesus and His work through the sacraments.

Father concludes by reflecting on Mary's role as the burning bush—holding Christ, yet untouched by sin—emphasizing her perpetual virginity.

For Further Reading
Jeremiah 23:5-6 NAB - Prophecy of a righteous shoot to David -
Psalm 72:7 NAB - Righteousness shall flourish in His time -
Luke 1:78 NAB - Sunrise from on high shall visit us -
Isaiah 7:14 NAB - Emmanuel, God with us prophecy -
CCC 1123 - The sacraments as efficacious signs of grace -
CCC 1293 - Grace and its visible signs -
CCC 1257 - Baptism and salvation -
CCC 499 - Mary’s perpetual virginity -

00:00 – Introduction: Praised Be Jesus and Mary
00:11 – Jeremiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah
01:08 – Symbolism of the Dawn and Sunrise
01:51 – Names of the Messiah: Emmanuel and Josedech
03:00 – Righteousness Sprouting in the Messiah’s Time
03:55 – The New Exodus Through the Messiah
05:00 – Joseph’s Discovery and the Angel’s Revelation
08:25 – Redemption Through Christ’s Outstretched Arm

Ave Maria!

Mass: Weekdays of Advent - Dec 18
Readings:  -
1st: jer 23:5-8
Resp: psa 72:1, 12-13, 18-19
Gsp: mat 1:18-24

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