Prophecy and the Two Comings of Christ – Dec 14 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Dec 14, 2024, on Elijah's prophetic return, John the Baptist's mission, and the importance of interpreting Scripture with the Church's guidance and the Holy Spirit.
Father explains the connection between the prophetic roles of Elijah and John the Baptist in today's readings, emphasizing their fulfillment in both the Old and New Testaments. He references Malachi 4:5–6, showing the prophecy that Elijah will return to prepare for the Lord's day, which is reiterated in Sirach 48:10. This expectation is echoed in the Gospel, where Jesus explains that Elijah has come mystically in the person of John the Baptist (Matthew 17:11-12). Furthermore, the angel Gabriel affirms John’s mission to Zechariah, citing Luke 1:17.
Father highlights the importance of interpreting Scripture with the guidance of the Church and the Holy Spirit, as described by St. Jerome and St. Gregory the Great, quoted in Verbum Domini, paragraph 16. He reflects on the Eucharistic preface's teaching about the two Advents of Christ and reminds us to read Scripture within the Church's tradition, aligning with Verbum Domini, paragraph 18.
Father concludes by urging listeners to pray for the reconciliation of families, an important sign of the Messiah's coming, as described in Malachi 4:6 and mirrored in the prophecy about John the Baptist.
For Further Reading:
Malachi 4:5–6 NAB - Elijah's return prophecy -
Sirach 48:10 NAB - Elijah's mission foretold -
Matthew 17:11-12 NAB - Jesus on Elijah's return -
Luke 1:17 NAB - Gabriel on John's mission -
Verbum Domini, para 16 CCC - Holy Spirit's role in Scripture -
Verbum Domini, para 18 CCC - Scripture within Church tradition -
Catholic Answers - God's Love for You -
Catechism - Elijah and typology of John - Text:
00:00 – Introduction to Elijah and John
00:21 – Scriptural Basis in Malachi
00:45 – Two Advents of the Messiah
02:13 – John the Baptist as Elijah’s Return
03:28 – Understanding Scripture with the Holy Spirit
05:56 – Prophecy and Its Interpretation
10:10 – Importance of Returning to God
12:15 – Preparing Hearts for the Lord
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. John of the Cross - Mem -
Readings: Saturday in the 2nd Week in Advent -
1st: sir 48:1-4, 9-11
Resp: psa 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Gsp: mat 17:10-13
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