FS #103: The Means, Part 8 – Dec 11 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Dec 11, 2024, on how Jesus’s love sanctifies suffering, inviting us to embrace it as a path to union with Him.

This is a continuation of his series on Franciscan spirituality, and the subsection, "The Means," as in the means to obtain the goals of spirituality, which is union with God. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNN151zTIO4&list=PLejh_e0-LN4xgMllKrzSasL2Hljd5BHom

Father reflected on the Franciscan spirituality exemplified by St. Francis's encounter with Christ through the cross of San Damiano, emphasizing Jesus's choice to suffer for humanity out of love. He explained that Jesus, though innocent and just, embraced suffering out of a profound love that not only drew Him close to humanity but also transformed suffering itself. Followers of Christ are called to accept and even love suffering, as it has been sanctified by Jesus's sacrifice.

Quoting St. Bonaventure from The Mystical Vine, Father explored the imagery of Christ's pierced side as a doorway to His loving heart. This passage described the soul's journey into Jesus's heart as a path to discover love, grace, and humility, referencing Psalm 51—"a heart contrite and humbled." St. Bonaventure further invoked Song of Songs 8:6—"Set me as a seal on your heart"—highlighting Jesus's wounds as seals of His love for humanity, which should inspire reciprocal devotion and conformity to His divine likeness.

Father closed by urging listeners to emulate Jesus's total self-giving love, inviting a deeper unity with Him through sharing in His sufferings, always aided by the grace of Mary.

For Further Reading
Psalm 51:17 NAB - God values a humble heart - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/51?17
Song of Songs 8:6 NAB - Love's seal of sacrifice - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/songofsongs/8?6
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Salvation through the Cross - Text: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/618.htm
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Hope in Eternal Life - Text: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/1821.htm
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Meriting through Grace - Text: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/2011.htm

Ave Maria!

The material for this series comes primarily from Ciccarelli, Marciano M., "I capisaldi della spiritualità francescana" in Italian, which translates as "The Cornerstones of Franciscan Spirituality." No English translations of this book exist at the time of this recording.

Mass: St. Damasus I - Opt Mem - http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=41
Readings: Wednesday in the 2nd Week in Advent - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/121124.cfm
1st: isa 40:25-31
Resp: psa 103:1-4, 8, 10
Gsp: mat 11:28-30

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1212&r=1255

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