St. Martin’s Miracles & Mission – Nov 11 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Nov 11, 2024, on how St. Martin of Tours, a former soldier turned bishop, dedicated his life to charity, miracles, and spreading Christianity through peaceful actions.

Saint Martin of Tours was one of the first non-martyr saints to have an annual feast. Noted for his acts of charity and parallels to Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Martin shared his cloak with a beggar, experiencing a vision of Christ wearing it that fulfilled Jesus' teaching, "Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40 - Born in Pannonia in 316, he was drawn to Christianity despite his family’s pagan beliefs and joined the military due to imperial edict. Even then, Martin was committed to a virtuous life, eventually leaving the military after converting his mother and opposing Arian heretics.

Afterward, Martin founded the first monastery north of the Alps, dedicating himself to prayer, preaching, and battling paganism. Known for miracles, he revived a catechumen for baptism and a slave who had committed suicide. Eventually, Martin was elected bishop of Tours, though reluctantly. He continued to live as a monk and brought many pagans to Christianity by replacing temples with churches and monasteries.

Saint Martin’s miracles and bold stance against injustice, like defending prisoners, elevated his influence. His peaceful works contrasted his name's connection to Mars, the god of war. Saint Martin passed on November 8th and was buried on November 11th, symbolizing a life dedicated not to war, but to combating sin and spreading faith.

Further Reading
Matthew 25:40 NAB - "Whatever you did for one of the least" -
CCC 1257 - Necessity of Baptism for salvation -
CCC 1506 - Christ’s invitation to heal -
CCC 1816 - Witness of Christian life -
Catholic Answers - God’s Love for You -
Catholic Answers - What the Early Church Believed: Monks and Nuns -
Catholic Answers - What the Early Church Believed: Baptismal Regeneration -
00:00 – Introduction to Saint Martin
00:12 – Saint Martin's Early Life
00:35 – Conversion and Act of Charity
00:55 – Martin's Christian Faith Journey
01:28 – Military Service and Selflessness
02:32 – Miracle of the Cloak
03:04 – Baptism and Monastic Calling
04:55 – Founding First Monastery
05:58 – Becoming Bishop of Tours
07:01 – Miracles and Conversions
08:08 – Advocacy for Peace and Justice
08:49 – Legacy and Death

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Martin of Tours - Mem -
Readings:  -
1st: isa 61:1-3
Resp: psa 89:2-5, 21-22, 25 , 27
Gsp: mat 25:31-40

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