St. John of Capistrano: Defender of the Faith – Oct 23 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence
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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 23, 2024, on St. John of Capistrano, presenting the saint as a significant figure in the Catholic Church, especially for his role in combating heresy and defending Christendom against Turkish invaders. St. John was born in Capistrano in 1386 and after losing his father, he studied law and served as a judge in Perugia. However, after a series of unfortunate events, including imprisonment, St. Francis of Assisi appeared to him in a vision, which led him to join the Franciscan Order, renouncing his arranged marriage and wealth.
His spiritual journey was deeply connected to the Franciscan reform movement, particularly the Observant Reform, alongside other notable saints like St. Bernardine of Siena and St. James of the Marches. St. John's zeal for the faith was manifested in his preaching against heretical movements like the Fraticelli and Hussites, and his defense of the devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus.
One of St. John’s most notable contributions came in 1456 when he played a vital role in organizing the Christian defense of Belgrade against the advancing Turkish army. Despite being small in stature and advanced in age, his spiritual strength inspired a crusade of poorly equipped commoners who, invoking the name of Jesus, miraculously defeated the much larger Turkish force. This victory, however, was followed by a plague that claimed his life on October 23rd, 1456.
Ave Maria!
00:00 – Introduction St. John of Capistrano Overview
00:21 – Early Life and Family Tragedies
02:00 – Conversion and Franciscan Vows
03:16 – Reforming the Franciscan Order
04:04 – Defending Against Heresies
05:02 – Miracles and Healings
06:06 – Crusade Against the Turks
07:02 – Victory at Belgrade
09:05 – Final Years and Death
10:14 – Canonization and Legacy
Mass: St. John of Capistrano - Opt Mem -
Readings: Wednesday in the 29th Week in Ordinary Time -
1st: eph 3:2-12
Resp: isa 12:2-6
Gsp: luk 12:39-48
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