Ave Maria Meditations
To the Mother of our Savior, Mother of all Mankind: As you looked upon the Body of your Son, Jesus, the Son of God, as you cringed at the mockery and blasphemy of the bystanders, as you wept over the marks of the lash on that most sacred Body, as you grieved over that most Holy Face whose smile had been your enchantment, as you remove the flesh encrusted crown of thorns, you felt the pain that was His.
You, too, suffered with Him the agony of His crucifixion. He did not die alone.
We beg of you, as we look upon that battered Face, with spittle and blood besmirching the beauty of its features, give us the courage and the strength to face our problems with the same love that made you able to bear this greatest of trials. Amen.
A prayer of reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus : Dear Lord, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate heart of Mary, I offer You these prayers in reparation for the sins which offend God the most in these modern times: the sins of blasphemy, atheism, the profanation of Sundays and holidays of obligation…
One Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father
From the Holy Face Association: www.HolyFace.com