Joachim, Anne, and Mary’s Sacred Role – Jul 26 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence
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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jul 26, 2024, on how Saints Joachim and Anne's patience and prayer were involved in bearing the Blessed Virgin Mary, exemplifying grace and wisdom foreshadowing her role as the new Ark of the Covenant.
Today's readings fittingly celebrate Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary, who yielded rich fruit, notably the Son of God and all Christians (Luke 8:8 - Mary is the new Zion, gathering exiles according to God's heart (Jeremiah 3:14-15 -, and she is the mediatrix of graces, aiding vocations.
As the Ark of the New Covenant (Revelation 11:19 -, Mary surpasses the old Ark in value, embodying wisdom more precious than all iches (Proverbs 8:11 - Joachim and Anne, blessed to raise her, needed extraordinary grace for this sacred task. Anne's name means grace, and through her, the Immaculate Conception occurred, making her womb a second Eden.
Despite their sanctity, Joachim and Anne faced the sorrow of childlessness, a stigma seen as divine punishment (Genesis 16:2 - Their perseverance and prayer led to the grace of having Mary (Luke 8:15 - Their patience prepared them for their sacred role, ultimately offering Mary to God’s service at the temple (CCC 529 -
St. Anne, known for her sanctity and influence, is a model for those in similar vocations and a patron for those seeking children. Her example and intercession remain powerful, helping form others in Mary’s virtues through the ages.
Further Reading
CCC 490 - Immaculate Conception defined -
CCC 969 - Mary, Advocate and Mediatrix -
CCC 2679 - Mary and saints as examples -
00:00 - Introduction
00:10 - Saints Joachim and Anne parents of Mary
00:48 - Mary as the New Ark
01:21 - Mary, Seat of Wisdom
02:01 - Sanctity of Joachim and Anne
03:52 - Infertility and Suffering
06:09 - Presentation at the Temple
Ave Maria!
Mass: Joachim and Anne - Mem -
Readings: Friday in the 16th Week in Ordinary Time -
1st: jer 3:14-17
Resp: jer 31:10-13
Gsp: mat 13:18-23
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