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Ordinations 2024 Franciscans Friars of The Immaculate

By July 3, 2024Fi News, News

Ordinations 2024 Franciscans Friars of The Immaculate

June 29 3 PM St. Mary Major (Italy) [Just last Sunday, Deo Gratias, Please pray for this new priest and two new deacons!]

  • Fra. Jacques M. [Ebekalawe] BINDI
  • Fra Pietro M. [Wilfried] INSAM (Diaconate Ordination)
  • Fra. Auguste M. [Codjo Auguste Serge] LOKO (Diaconate Ordination)

Upcoming ordinations:

July 11 Sydney (Australia)

  • Fra. Charbel [Peter] M. BOUSTANY ( You are in our prayers. We hope you can come back to the USA! )

July 15 Bohol (Philippines)

  • Fra Crucifixo M. [Fidel Aguboh] HONGAYO
  • Fra. Vincent M. [Florendo Enriquez] MEJIAS
  • Fra. Isidoro M. [Joel Genargue] LOFRANCO
  • Fra. Leonard M. [Reynaldo Altariba] RAMIREZ
  • Fra. David M. [Wendel Guinaans] TUMULAK

August 22 Sagamu (Nigeria)

  • Fra. Rufino M. [Joseph Chigozie] ILOEGBUNAM
  • Fra. Seraphim M. [Cyprian Chukwumeka] OPARA
  • Fra. Joseph Louis M. TUGHEMBA

September 14 Cotonou (Benin)

  • Fra. Eliseo Rodrigue M. DJIMAH

Many graces to be grateful for and many prayers needed  receive more graces in the sacrament of Ordination and for the fruitfulness of the ministries of these priests and deacons. Deo gratias!!

From our Italian site:

We give thanks to the Lord for the priestly ordination of Fr. Jacques M. Binidi, a brother from Togo, and for the diaconal ordinations of Fra Pietro M. Insam, an Italian from Valgardena, and of Fra Auguste M. Loko from Benin.

The ceremony took place on June 29 in the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major on the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. 

The ordaining bishop, Lithuanian Mgr. Rolandas Makrickas, is the coadjutor archpriest of the basilica.

At the end of a formative path, the sacrament of Orders in its various degrees represents a moment awaited by young religious to inaugurate the mission entrusted to them by the Church.

Each one, then, in his/her own field of apostolate, will continue to perfect himself/herself with a sense of duty and with the pleasure of serving God in his/her brothers/sisters.

Next July 11th we will have another Priestly Ordination in Sydney, on July 15th another five in Bohol in the Philippines, on August 22nd three in Sagamu in Nigeria and on September 14th one in Allada in Benin.

Forgetting the past and reaching out to the Church, we run towards the Kingdom with the help of the Immaculate and in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Maximilian M. Kolbe.

Fra Roderic

Author Fra Roderic

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