Ave Maria Meditations
O Lord Jesus, the Eucharist is the most wonderful work of Your love. Out of infinite love, You have given me not only what You have but even what you are!
In Holy Communion You give me Your Body, Your Blood, Your soul, Your divinity, Your merits and Your graces. Nowhere else do You bestow these graces more abundantly than in this Sacrament. May such a love awaken a return of love in my heart!
I want to receive You in Holy Communion more frequently, so that I may abide in You and You in me. Then will my prayers be truly powerful, because they will come from a heart that is one with Your own in deepest love and friendship. I shall pray to the Father in Your Name and I shall be heard, for You said, “If you ask the Father anything in My Name, He will give it to you.” (Jn 16:23)
O Jesus I can do nothing better than to present my prayers to You after Holy Communion. These moments are most precious, because You are with me as God and Man for the very purpose of helping me and making me holy.
From the Novena of Holy Communions