The Resurrection: Joy versus Disbelief – Apr 01 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Apr 01, 2024, where he underscores the joy of belief in the resurrection versus the darkness of disbelief, highlighting the fulfillment of prophecy.

Father discusses the contrasting responses to belief in Jesus' resurrection: believers experience joy and enlightenment, while non-believers fall into error. He emphasizes the significance of the resurrection occurring on the "eighth day," symbolizing a new creation and hope beyond the world's seven-day cycle. The resurrection, foretold by David in Psalm 16:10 - "For you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you let your faithful one see corruption" -, is illuminated in the light of the New Testament. Father recounts how St. Peter, enlightened by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, interprets David's prophecy as referring to Christ, not David himself, citing God's promise and the prophet Nathan's role in conveying this future messianic hope. He also highlights the crucial role of women as the first witnesses to the resurrection, their encounter with an angel at the tomb, and their joy in seeing the risen Christ, contrasting it with the disbelief and deception of the guards and Jewish leaders, who chose the darkness of falsehood over the light of truth. Father calls us to embrace the "light of the eighth day" for eternal joy.

Ave Maria!

00:00 - Introduction to Belief and Unbelief in the Resurrection
00:40 - Exploring the Resurrection Day's Symbolism
01:03 - The Role of Prophecy and Scripture in Understanding the Resurrection
03:02 - Witnessing the Resurrection: From Women to Apostles
03:36 - The Empty Tomb: Angelic Revelations and the First Sightings
04:30 - Joyful Believers vs. Skeptical Leaders: The Aftermath of Resurrection
05:10 - The Power of Greed and Envy: Losing Faith Over Materialism
06:38 - Choosing Light Over Darkness: The Message of the Eighth Day

Mass: Monday of Easter Week - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: act 2:14, 22-32
Resp: psa 16:1-2, 5, 7-11
Gsp: mat 28:8-15

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