Mary, the Eclipse, a Comet & the Devil – Mary to the Moon

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Listen as Friar Roderic points out many coincidences regarding the upcoming solar eclipse relative to the Annunciation and the appearance of a "Devil Comet" as spiritual signs urging repentance and faithfulness in the face of celestial and biblical symbols of good versus evil.

Divine Mercy Novena of  Chaplets -

Ave Maria!

+++ MR2M 7

Author apostolate

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  • Sr. Faustina says:

    Ave Maria!
    Thank you for this interesting post. There are no coincidences in the workings of Divine Providence.
    “Fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set forth in battle array.” Song of Songs: 6:9. It is interesting that the Lunar eclipse on 3/25 and the solar eclipse of 4/8/24 follow the order of this line in the Song of Songs. First the moon and then the sun. Our Lady will crush his said – as signified by the devil’s comment.

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