The Solar Eclipse and Mary – Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle

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Ave Maria!

What is the spiritual significance of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, taking place on the liturgical solemnity of the Annunciation? Join Dr. Mark Miravalle for a fascinating discussion of "The Solar Eclipse and Mary."

Dr. Mark Miravalle reflects on the convergence of the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, with the Solemnity of the Annunciation, highlighting its unique occurrence due to liturgical scheduling. He delves into the biblical symbolism of the moon and the sun, particularly referencing Revelation 12, which portrays a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, symbolizing the Virgin Mary as the Mediatrix of All Graces reflecting Jesus Christ, akin to how the moon reflects the sun's light without being its source. Furthermore, Father Miravalle points to Joel 3:15, noting biblical instances where celestial phenomena like the darkening sun serve as prophetic signs.

The discussion extends to Marian apparitions, including Fatima and Akita, emphasizing Mary's role in divine intercession and her titles as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.  Miravalle argues that recognizing Mary's roles is crucial for her to fully exercise them on humanity's behalf, suggesting a link between Marian acknowledgment and the mitigation of global chastisements prophesied in apparitions.

Addressing the moral and spiritual decline in the United States and Western society at large, he underscores the prophetic potential of the eclipse coinciding with the Annunciation as a call for repentance and renewal through the intercession of Mary, the spiritual Mother of All Peoples. He advocates for the daily recitation of the prayer of the Lady of All Nations as a means to invoke the Holy Spirit's guidance in combating moral degeneration, natural disasters, and war, aligning with the vision of achieving peace through Marian devotion.

Bible References:

Revelation 12 - The woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet -
Joel 3:15 - The sun and moon darkened, stars no longer shining -

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For more information and resources:

00:00 – Introduction to the Solar Eclipse and Annunciation Date Change
01:05 – Significance of the Total Solar Eclipse on the Annunciation
01:39 – Biblical Symbolism of the Woman Clothed with the Sun
03:08 – Astronomical Events and Spiritual Significance
04:10 – Mary's Authority Over Creation Explained
06:00 – Connecting Fatima, Amsterdam, and Akita Through Lunar Cycles
07:49 – The Importance of the Fifth Marian Dogma for Peace
10:07 – Akita's Warning and the Call for Marian Recognition
13:33 – The Prophetic Significance of the Solar Eclipse for the United States
16:04 – Moral Degeneration and Spiritual Crisis in the United States
19:02 – The Call for National Conversion and Renewal Through Mary
23:36 – Prayer of the Lady of All Nations and Closing Remarks

+++ - MLIV 152

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