FS #69: Man in Franciscan Spirituality, Part 15 – Mar 20 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Mar 20, 2024, where he focuses once again on the Franciscan view of the nature of a person in the spiritual life, but this time on social living, emphasizing natural law guided by divine and evangelical laws, aiming for justice and charity under Mary's guidance. This continues his series and the subsection, "Man in Franciscan Spirituality," humanity's role in God's plan of salvation.
Father talks about how Franciscan beliefs relate to how we live together in society. He mentions how natural laws, which help us know right from wrong, are based on God's eternal laws, as said in Romans 2:14 - even people who don't follow the Jewish law show God's law in their actions - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/romans/2?14. He explains that these laws are improved by God's teachings in the Bible and Jesus' teachings in the New Testament. Father describes society as a big family where everyone works together for everyone's benefit, which includes both now and forever in heaven. He finishes by saying we need to be fair and kind to each other, and asks for Mary's help to live well now as preparation for heaven.
00:00 – Introduction to Franciscan Spirituality and Social Life
00:24 – The Role of Natural Law in Social Morality
01:01 – Divine Law and Its Perfection of Natural Law
02:26 – Principles of Social Order and Justice
03:01 – Community Life and the Pursuit of Common Good
03:44 – Governing Social Structures and Individual Rights
04:35 – The Central Role of Justice in Society
05:37 – Integrating Charity with Justice for Social Harmony
This is a continuation of his series of homilies on Franciscan Spirituality - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNN151zTIO4&list=PLejh_e0-LN4xgMllKrzSasL2Hljd5BHom
and the subsection "Man in Franciscan Spirituality."
The material for this series comes primarily from Ciccarelli, Marciano M., "I capisaldi della spiritualità francescana" in Italian, which translates as "The Cornerstones of Franciscan Spirituality." No English translations of this book exist at the time of this recording.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 5th Week of Lent - Wkdy
Readings: - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/032024.cfm
1st: dan 3:14-20, 91-92, 95
Resp: dan 3:52-56
Gsp: joh 8:31-42
More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1767
Also on Facebook: https://fb.watch/qWL730rBeI/
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/7C6NeZATJgw