Mary in the New Testament, Part 2 – A Masterclass in Mariology No. 4 – Mariology Without Apology
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Ave Maria!
Join Dr. Mark Miravalle and Dr. Robert Fastiggi as they continue to discuss New Testament passages on Our Lady, specifically those found in the infancy narratives of Matthew and the Prologue and Wedding of Cana accounts found in the Gospel of John.
In this masterclass on Mariology, Dr. Mark Miravalle and Dr. Robert Fastiggi explore the profound roles and truths about the Virgin Mary across Scripture, tradition, and private revelation. They delve into Mary's significance in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels of Luke, Matthew, and John, highlighting her unique relationship with Jesus and her pivotal role in His salvific mission.
They commence with an analysis of Luke 11:27, where Jesus emphasizes the blessedness of hearing and keeping the word of God over biological kinship, underscoring Mary's exemplarity in faith and obedience (Luke 11:27 - Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it - St. John Paul II's commentary on this passage in Redemptoris Mater is discussed, highlighting Mary's unique role in salvation history as the foremost disciple of Christ.
The conversation shifts to Matthew's Gospel, focusing on the infancy narratives and Joseph's just and compassionate response to Mary's miraculous pregnancy (Matthew 1:18-25 - Joseph's righteousness and Mary's virginal conception by the Holy Spirit -, emphasizing Joseph's integral role in the Holy Family and the divine plan.
John's Gospel provides further insight into Mary's mediation and intercession at the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-10 - Jesus performs His first miracle at Mary's intercession -, where her request leads to Jesus' first public miracle, setting the stage for His public ministry and foreshadowing the ultimate sacrifice at Calvary. Mary's actions at Cana are presented as a model of faith, obedience, and maternal intercession.
Throughout the discussion, Mary is portrayed as the New Eve, intimately united with Christ in His redemptive mission, exemplifying perfect discipleship and motherhood to all believers. The dialogues emphasize the theological significance of Mary's virginity, her role as Mediatrix, and the spiritual motherhood she extends to the Church, underlining the indissoluble bond between her and Jesus in the work of salvation.
00:00 - Welcome to Mariology Masterclass
01:13 - Mary in Scripture Overview
02:15 - Luke's Gospel on Mary
09:22 - Matthew's Infancy Narratives
14:05 - The Role of Saint Joseph
24:21 - Mary in John's Gospel
34:23 - The Miracle at Cana
41:04 - Mary's Intercession Explained
47:26 - Mary's Role in Redemption
51:55 - Marriage Symbolism at Cana
53:10 - Mary's Suffering for Humanity
55:15 - Closing Thoughts on Mariology
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