We need to Desire to be Prolife – Jan 22 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jan 22, 2024, where he calls for a comprehensive culture of life, encompassing legal protection of the unborn, internalized respect for God's law, sanctity in marriage, modesty, and combating sins like pornography to uphold human dignity.

Father emphasizes the importance of cultivating a culture of life, extending beyond the legal protection of unborn children. He insists that God's law must be internalized, transforming from a mere requirement to a heartfelt conviction. This culture of life envisions conceptions within sacramental marriages, free from contraception and infidelity, highlighting the sacredness of human conception and the fidelity required even before knowing one’s future spouse.

Furthermore, Father underscores the significance of modesty, linking it to the dignity of the human body and its role in respecting life. He argues that we lack absolute power over our own and others' bodies, stressing the need for modesty to honor the dignity of oneself and others, especially in the context of marriage. He also discusses the grave sinfulness of pornography and immodesty, viewing them as obstacles to building a culture of life and respecting life as a divine gift.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Day of Prayer Legal Protection of Unborn - Opt Mem
Readings:  - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/012224.cfm
1st: 2sa 5:1-7, 10
Resp: psa 89:20, 21-22, 25-26
Gsp: mar 3:22-30

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