Immaculate Heart & God’s Will – Jan 15 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jan 15, 2024, on the significance of adhering to God's will in even the smallest details, using Saul's story from 1 Samuel as an example, and encourages embracing the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady to fully understand and love God's will.
He emphasizes the immense importance of God's will in all aspects, even in seemingly insignificant details. He references the story of Saul in 1 Samuel, where Saul's disobedience in minor matters leads to major consequences: loss of his dynasty and kingship. This illustrates that even small transgressions, or venial sins, are significant because they defy God's will. Father stresses the seriousness of venial sins, not due to their scale but because they offend God. To truly appreciate and follow God's will, one must embrace it in every detail. He suggests that embracing the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady can change our perspective, helping us to understand and love God's will. Father highlights how Our Lady's example teaches us to ponder, love, and obey God's word, guiding us to live according to God's holy will in every aspect of our lives.
00:00 – Introduction
00:57 – The Value of God's Will in the Small Things
01:43 – Saul's Story: The Impact of Small Choices
02:31 – Venial Sin and Its Subtle Dangers
03:22 – Embracing Our Lady's Perspective
04:18 – Understanding and Fulfilling God's Will in Detail
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: 1sa 15:16-23
Resp: psa 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23
Gsp: mar 2:18-22
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