FS #60: Man in Franciscan Spirituality, Part 6 – Jan 09 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jan 09, 2024, on Franciscan spirituality, focusing on the Franciscan view of the nature of a person, emphasizing our indivisibility, capacity for love, and connection to God, inspired by Biblical references to divine identity. This continues his series and the subsection, "Man in Franciscan Spirituality," humanity's role in God's plan.

Father emphasizes the uniqueness and dignity of the human person in Franciscan spirituality, rooted in the concept of the soul and its relationship to God. He explains that the human person has two key characteristics: intrinsic indivisibility and incommunicability, and the capacity to give oneself to others. This understanding of personhood draws inspiration from Biblical references, notably Exodus 3:14 where God reveals Himself to Moses as "I am who I am" - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/exodus/3?14 and John 13:19, where Jesus Jesus says, "I tell you this now before it takes place so that when it does take place, you will know that I am as I am" - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/john/13?19, , affirming His divine identity. Father explains that as humans, we participate in the nature of God's being, highlighting our connection and similarity to God, particularly in our shared desire for love. He encourages us to see ourselves from God's perspective for a truer understanding of human dignity and a path to holiness, invoking the Virgin Mary's intercession for this grace.

This is a continuation of his series of homilies on Franciscan Spirituality - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNN151zTIO4&list=PLejh_e0-LN4xgMllKrzSasL2Hljd5BHom
and the subsection "Man in Franciscan Spirituality."

The material for this series comes primarily from Ciccarelli, Marciano M., "I capisaldi della spiritualità francescana" in Italian, which translates as "The Cornerstones of Franciscan Spirituality." No English translations of this book exist at the time of this recording.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Tuesday 1st Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/010924.cfm
1st: 1sa 1:9-20
Resp: 1sa 2:1, 4-8
Gsp: mar 1:21-28

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1566

Also on Facebook: https://fb.watch/pt7enx-tdA/
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/uTQvPtPU3bQ
