Making Hell on Earth Seem like Heaven – Nov 24 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Nov 24, 2023, as we celebrate the memorial of Sts. Andre Dung Lac and the 117 Vietnamese martyr companions, including bishops, priests, and lay people who died from the 17th through 19th centuries, and faced gruesome persecution with joy and anticipation of heaven because, united with Christ, they knew they were not alone.

One of the companions was Saint Paul, who described his prison experience as a true image of hell, yet for him it was an anticipation of heaven because he was not alone. As he wrote, "I am by the grace of God full of joy and gladness because I am not alone. Christ is with me."

This true image of hell was for the saints an anticipation of heaven because they knew they were not alone. God says in Genesis that it is not good for man to be alone. In fact, it is hell for man to be alone, separated from God. Though hell is crowded, it is a lonely place because its inhabitants have no love for one another.

Hell means to be alone; heaven means to be united with God and neighbor. Earth, for each of us, can be a valley of tears, but these tears can be sweet if we realize we are not alone and are always with God. If we remain united to God by grace, we more fully anticipate heaven and are not alone.

It's not good for man to be alone. God does not want us to be alone. The martyrs remind us to live united to God so that we are never alone.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Andre Dung Lac and his companions - Mem -
Readings: Friday 33rd Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: 1ma 4:36-37, 52-59
Resp: 1ch 29:10-12
Gsp: luk 19:45-48

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