Church Militant, Church Suffering: A Holy Alliance – Nov 02 – Homily – Fr Alan
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Fr Alan gives the homily for the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (aka, "All Souls", Nov 02, 2023), reflecting on the opportunity we have now, as members of the "Church Militant," to help the "Church Suffering," that is, the holy souls in Purgatory; it is wise now, as we are in a position to be of use, to forge a holy alliance with the souls in purgatory. They need our assistance, and will surely repay any kindness we show them, through our prayers and sacrifices on their behalf. Not only that, but since it is likely that we may find ourselves in the Church Suffering before we pass on to the "Church Triumphant," it is fitting and just that now we "pay it forward," so to speak, by praying for those now suffering in Purgatory--many of whom may be our relatives and friends in need of our prayers. Practicing and promoting devotion to the Holy Souls in this life, we can be more confident of receiving similar benefits if (or when) we may find ourselves in the Church Suffering, in need of the assistance of the Church Militant.
For details on gaining a plenary indulgence for the Holy Souls in Purgatory see:
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Souls - Mem -
Readings: -
1st: wis 3:1-9
Resp: psa 23:1-6
2nd: rom 5:5-11
Gsp: joh 6:37-40
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