Healing on the Sabbath – Oct 30 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence
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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 30, 2023, on the curing of the crippled woman on the sabbath and how this relates to the meaning of the Sabbath and the need to turn to God and his will and so cure the debilitating illness of our sin.
In today's Gospel, Jesus heals on the Sabbath, causing unrest among some Jews. The synagogue leader hypocritically tells the crowd not to seek healing on the Sabbath. Jesus calls them out for their hypocrisy, highlighting that they'd care for their animals on the Sabbath, so why not a woman bound by Satan for 18 years? This act of mercy on the Sabbath is in line with God's work of creation and redemption.
The woman's condition, being bent over, symbolizes a focus on earthly matters over heavenly ones. This physical ailment mirrors how Satan bends souls, making them prioritize temporary, earthly things. St. Augustine says, "the devil and his angels have bowed the souls of men and women down to the ground." In today's world, many are distracted from God, focusing on honors, wealth, and possessions.
St. Gregory the Great urges self-reflection, asking where our thoughts and priorities lie. St. Paul reminds us to live according to the Spirit, not the flesh. Being intent on heavenly things will guide our actions. The Holy Spirit, a gift from the Father, testifies that we are children of God. As children, we are heirs with Christ, but to receive our inheritance, we must suffer with Him, showing obedience.
00:00 - Introduction
00:15 - Jesus heals on the Sabbath
00:42 - Jesus calls out hypocrisy of Jewish leaders
02:14 - The crowd rejoices at the miracle
03:35 - The woman's infirmity and spiritual meaning
05:12 - Examining our hearts and minds
06:03 - The Holy Spirit as God's gift to His children
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday 30th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/103023.cfm
1st: rom 8:12-17
Resp: psa 68:2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Gsp: luk 13:10-17
More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1535
Also on Facebook: https://fb.watch/n-vr86XdLQ/
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/_RPOeU3X4h8