Limits of Ecclesio-typical Mariology – Mariology Without Apology No. 38
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Ave Maria!
What are the dangers of seeing Mary and the Church as only a "single mystery"? Is not Mary "Mother of the Church" and the God-given remedy for the Church amidst its present crisis? Join Dr. Mark Miravalle and Dr. Robert Fastiggi for the crucially important discussion of "The Limits of Ecclesio-typical Mariology."
There can be value in exploring Mary's relationship to the Church (ecclesiotypical Mariology), but it should not override studying Mary's relationship to Christ (Christotypical Mariology), which is the foundation. Some recent theological works emphasize ecclesiotypical Mariology in problematic ways, like portraying Mary and the Church as "two aspects of the same mystery." This risks missing Mary's uniqueness. At Vatican II there was debate over including Mary under the document on the Church. Some saw it as a way to build ecumenical bridges, but others were concerned it would diminish Mary's role. Ecclesiotypical emphasis led to a collapse of mariology after Vatican II, by Benedict XVI's own admission. Mary's co-redemptive role was downplayed by some as merely "receptive." John Paul II provides the most authoritative interpretation of Vatican II - he roots Mary's relationship to the Church in her prior relationship with Christ. Mary's motherhood of the Church derives from her role as Co-redemptrix. Honoring Mary's uniqueness aids the Church. Mary is immaculate, the Church is not. Mary intercedes uniquely for grace the Church needs, as at Fatima. A 5th Marian dogma could aid devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart.
Recent theological overemphasis on ecclesiotypical Mariology should be balanced by a proper understanding of Mary's active roles, her uniqueness, and her relationship with Christ, which is the foundation.
00:00 - Introduction
00:46 - Ecclesiotypical vs. Christotypical Mariology
03:33 - Tensions at Vatican II Over Mariology
05:19 - Post-Vatican II Collapse of Mariology
08:26 - Need to Respect Hermeneutics of Continuity
12:14 - Questionable Historical Claims
16:26 - Mary's Active Role in Redemption
21:37 - Mary Precedes and Causes the Church
25:27 - Problems With Presuppositions in Texts
31:32 - Dangers of Equating Mary and the Church
35:25 - Mary's Uniqueness and the Church's Need
39:52 - Call for Theological Integration
Books referenced:
Lumen Gentium:
A Bride Adorned by Fr. John L. Nepil -
Which Mary? The Blessed Virgin Mary at Vatican II, The Untold Story of Chapter Eight of Lumen Gentium by Dr. Laurie Olsen, to be published early 2024
Mary, The Church at the Source by Fr. Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger -
The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, the inside story of Vatican II: A History of Vatican II by Fr. Ralph Wiltgen -
Pius XII, in Ad Caeli Reginam 1954 -
The Mystical Body of Christ by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, 1935 -
- PDF -
Encyclical Magna Dei Matris by Leo XIII, 1892 -
Ineffabilis Deus enciclicsl by Pope Pius IX 1854 -
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