You Can Do It: 4 Rosaries a Day – Oct 12 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 12, 2023, as he honors St. Seraphin of Montegranaro, a 16th-century Franciscan known for his miracles and devotion to the crucifix and rosary, encourages deepening one's relationship with Jesus through praying the Holy Rosary four times a day, completing the entire Rosary, and offers suggestions for growth and emphasizing its transformative power.

St. Seraphin of Montegranaro, a Franciscan laybrother lived in the 16th century. He was known for his miracles and extraordinary virtues. An interesting aspect of his life was his dedication to the crucifix and the rosary. Though illiterate, he metaphorically "read" these two books daily. They represented the entirety of his spiritual knowledge and practice.

The crucifix represented the love of our Lord, and to reciprocate that love, he would pray the Holy Rosary multiple times a day. This devotion to the rosary is what I want to emphasize. Many Catholics manage to pray a rosary daily, which is commendable. But for those looking to deepen their devotion, consider praying the entire four mysteries daily.

To help in this endeavor, I offer five suggestions:

1 Grow Gradually - Don't rush; progress at your own pace.
2 Plan Your Resolutions - Schedule when and where you'll pray to ensure consistency.
3 Have an Intention - Turn your worries, hopes, and gratitudes into prayer. I recall a priest who fervently prayed the rosary for five troubled marriages he knew, and all of them turned out to thrive.
4 Pray to Pray - Ask for Our Lady's help in growing your prayer life.
5 Pray with Supernatural Faith - Even in times of spiritual dryness, have faith that your prayers console the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

In this month of October, traditionally dedicated to the rosary, he urges everyone to deepen their relationship with Jesus through Mary using the Holy Rosary. St. Seraphin serves as a shining example of this devotion. With the crucifix and rosary as his spiritual guides, he lived a life deeply connected to Jesus and Mary.

Ave Maria!

00:00 - Introduction to St. Seraphin
00:41 - St. Seraphin's Simple Friary Life
01:07 - St. Seraphin's Extraordinary Virtues
01:14 - St. Seraphin's Two Books: Crucifix and Rosary
01:43 - St. Seraphin Prayed the Rosary Multiple Times Daily
02:15 - Exhortation to Pray the Rosary Frequently
02:52 - Gradual Growth in Rosary Prayer
03:55 - Already Praying One Rosary is Great
04:13 - Five Practical Suggestions for Growth
04:48 - Make Concrete Plans to Add Rosaries
05:20 - Pray with Intention and Fervor
06:04 - Ask Our Lady for the Gift of Prayer
06:34 - Persevere in Dryness with Faith
07:19 - St. Seraphin's Example of Rosary and Crucifix
08:00 - Conclusion on the Power of the Rosary

Mass: St. Seraphin of Montegranaro - Opt Mem -
Readings: Thursday 27th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: mal 3:13-20
Resp: psa 1:1-4, 6
Gsp: luk 11:5-13

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