True Love of Our Neighbor – Oct 09 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 09, 2023, on how we should truly love our neighbor, avoiding rash judgment, wishing the best of others, avoiding Gosip, being meek, affirming their good actions, correcting their moral failings, doing good works and make sacrifices for others.
Today's Gospel emphasizes genuine love for our neighbors, embodied by saints following Jesus' teachings. Christian charity is about kind thoughts, words, and actions towards others, avoiding hasty judgments and rejoicing in others' misfortunes. Our words should avoid detraction and mockery, promoting upliftment instead. Our actions should mirror the Good Samaritan's selfless aid, extending love beyond acquaintances to strangers and foes. This love, in thought, word, and deed, is the essence of true discipleship as proclaimed in 'Love one another' (John 13:34 - A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another -
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Denis and Companions - Opt Mem -
Readings: Monday 27th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: jon 1:1-2:1, 11
Resp: psa 2:2-5, 8
Gsp: luk 10:25-37
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