Holiness Like Mary- Oct 07 – Homily – Fr. Thomas Haan

By October 7, 2023October 8th, 2023Bloomington, IN, Guest Homilist, Homily

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Fr. Thomas Haan gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 07, 2023, on how, in order to become holy, we need to imitate Mary's virtues, especially humility.

The homily emphasizes the fulfillment of God's promise of a Messiah as foretold by ancient prophets. It explores the unexpected reality of the Messiah being God's Son, transcending even the Israelites' expectations.  Mary was chosen by God for her lowly and humble nature, embodying virtues of faith, hope, charity, and purity. Through Mary's 'yes' during the Annunciation, the Holy Spirit was welcomed into the world, marking the Incarnation. This teaches the significance of humility, encouraging the eradication of pride and self-sufficiency to welcome the Holy Spirit.

The universal relatability of Mary’s story urges individuals, regardless of their vocation, to extend Christ's presence in the world through their own flesh and blood, akin to the Eucharist that extends Christ's sacrifice across time for our redemption. By embracing this vocation, individuals embody Christ in their daily interactions, extending the Incarnation beyond sacred spaces. The homily concludes with a reference to St. Christopher’s legend, highlighting the notion of being Christbearers like Mary, emphasizing the essence of carrying Christ’s presence into the world.

00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Not Surprised God Kept His Promise
00:45 - Surprised the Messiah is the Son of God
01:12 - Not Surprised He Used a Lowly Instrument
01:47 - Mary's Humility Allowed God to Act
02:52 - Humble Souls Draw the Holy Spirit
04:20 - Mary Universally Relatable
05:18 - Our Vocation is to Bring Christ into the World
07:07 - Mary Brings Christ's Presence Everywhere
08:51 - We Must Also Embody Christ's Presence
10:34 - Lesson to Bring Christ Beyond Chapel
11:39 - We Can All Be Christ-bearers Like Mary

Ave Maria!

Mass: Our Lady of the Rosary - Feast - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13189a.htm
Readings:  - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/100723.cfm
1st: act 1:12-14
Resp: luk 1:46-55
Gsp: luk 1:26-38

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=2275

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