St. Theodore Guérin – Oct 03 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 03, 2023, on the life of St. Theodore Guerin, the foundress of St. Mary-of-the-Woods College in Terra Haute, Indiana, and many other schools during the pioneer times.

Saint Theodore Guérin was born in Brittany, France, on the Feast of the Guardian Angels in 1798. She felt a calling to religious life from a young age but faced numerous tragedies and delays in her journey. Her father's murder, the death of her siblings, and her mother's illness weighed heavily on her.

At the age of 25, she finally joined the Sisters of Providence and became Sister St. Therese. Despite ongoing health issues, she excelled in her mission and contributed significantly to education and healthcare. In 1839, Bishop Bruté invited the Sisters of Providence to establish schools and orphanages in his diocese in Indiana, and Saint Theodore was chosen to lead the mission.

Saint Theodore initially hesitated due to her health concerns, but she eventually accepted the missionary call. Arriving in America in 1840, the sisters faced challenges and were redirected to Terre Haute. They encountered difficulties in their early days, but Saint Theodore's leadership led to the foundation of multiple schools.

Despite facing hardships, including a fire in 1842 that destroyed their food stores, they persevered. Saint Theodore traveled to France in 1843 to raise funds and received support from Queen Maria Amalia. Upon returning to America, they experienced a challenging sea voyage and reached Terre Haute in 1844.

In 1846, the Articles of Incorporation for their academy were signed, but conflicts with the bishop arose over their autonomy. This led to Saint Theodore's deposition as Mother Superior and excommunication in 1847. However, the crisis ended when the bishop resigned.

Saint Theodore continued her work, and she passed away in 1856. Her remains were later moved to a crypt, where her miraculously preserved brain was taken as a heavenly sign that her teachings were pleasing to God. Her beatification miracle occurred in 1908, and she was canonized in 2006.

Saint Theodore Guérin's life is a testament to her dedication to serving God and others. Her journey is filled with challenges and triumphs, demonstrating her unwavering faith.

00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Early Life and Calling
01:03 - Family Tragedies
02:22 - Entrance into Religious Life
03:23 - Missionary Journey to America
05:02 - Challenges and School Establishments
06:55 - Fundraising Efforts
07:57 - Conflict with the Bishop and Resolution
09:27 - Later Life and Legacy

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Theodore Guerin - Solemnity -
Readings: Tuesday 26th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: zec 8:20-23
Resp: psa 87:1-7
Gsp: luk 9:51-56

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