Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Sep 08 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Sep 08, 2023, on how Mary was holy at birth due to her Immaculate Conception and shares her holiness with all of us, especially if we consecrate ourselves to her.
The Church honors the birth of Our Blessed Lady, signifying her sainthood from birth. In fact, her sanctity began even before her birth, at her Immaculate Conception. By the time of her birth, she had been growing in holiness for nine months. Our Lady's initial grace at her Immaculate Conception surpassed the combined holiness of all saints and angels. Pius IX emphasized her unparalleled holiness, which grew exponentially as she had the use of reason from her conception, allowing her to know and love God.
St. Alphonsus likened Mary's grace to rain upon fleece, absorbing all graces without loss. [Psalm 72:6 - Like rain that falls on the meadow -]. Mary, full of grace, is our Mediatrix of grace, sharing her fullness with us and sanctifying every saint.
Saint Maximilian's early prayer to Our Lady expressed confidence in her, making him a great saint. St. Louis de Montfort described the mutual bond between Mary and those who consecrate themselves to her. This bond is echoed in St. John's gospel, where he took Mary as his own following Jesus' invitation from the cross [John 19:26-27 - Behold, your mother -].
Let us, like the saints, welcome Mary into our lives and consecrate ourselves to her.
00:00 - Introduction
00:18 - Mary was already a saint at birth
00:51 - Her initial grace surpassed all saints combined
02:31 - Mary is truly full of grace
03:38 - She has much grace to share as Mediatrix
04:23 - Mary makes those devoted to her into saints
05:04 - In consecration, Mary and devotee exchange gifts
05:42 - Taking Mary into our lives like John did
06:09 - She is full of grace and the maker of saints
06:22 - Let us also take Mary into our lives
Ave Maria!
Mass: Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Feast -
Readings: -
1st: mic 5:1-4
Resp: psa 13:6
Gsp: mat 1:18-23
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