Papacy 101 – Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle
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Ave Maria!
Can bishops oust a pope? Does a pope's sins prevent his infallibility? Does a pope have authority over Church discipline? Hear the answers to these and other relevant questions related to the office of the papacy in this week's edition of Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle.
There's ongoing discussion about the papacy, and it's essential. The liturgical readings, like Matthew 16:15-20 - - where Jesus establishes the papacy with Peter as the rock - guide our understanding. This foundation is where we derive the concept of papal infallibility. Jesus backs the decisions of the Pope, ensuring protection from error in matters of faith and morals.
However, while the Pope is infallible, he isn't impeccable. Every Pope, being human, can and does sin. It's crucial to remember this distinction. A recent conversation with a bishop highlighted the dangers of the cancel culture, which often focuses on others' errors without self-reflection.
Conciliarism, or the idea that bishops can remove a Pope, is an error. Historically, attempts like the Council of Basile in the 15th century have failed. The Pope's authority comes directly from Jesus.
Mark from the West Coast asked about the Pope's jurisdiction over discipline. Vatican I clarifies that the Roman Pontiff has full jurisdiction over the Universal Church, including matters related to discipline and governance.
Kathy from the East Coast raised the issue of schismatics. The key is fidelity to the Pope on matters of faith and morals. As St. Ambrose says, "Where Peter is, there is the Church."
John from the South questioned if a Pope's grave sin could impede the Holy Spirit's protection. The answer is no. Historical examples, like Alexander VI, who had illegitimate children, never changed the Church's teachings on morality. This reaffirms the Holy Spirit's protection.
In summary, the Pope is:
- Infallible on faith and morals.
- Capable of sinning.
- Cannot be removed by a group of bishops.
- Has jurisdiction over Church discipline.
Lastly, a Synod is a meeting of bishops discussing Church matters. The ongoing three-part Synod involves global dioceses, with decisions resting on the Pope.
Let's continue in peace and prayer, trusting the Holy Spirit and Jesus's promise of a Church in truth until the end of time. Being Catholic is a privilege. God bless you all.
00:00 - Introduction
00:33 - Matthew 16 establishes the papacy and infallibility
02:42 - Impeccability - popes can and do sin
04:45 - Conciliarism - bishops can't depose a pope
06:59 - Pope has full jurisdiction even over discipline
09:00 - Who determines schism? Stay with the pope.
11:15 - Even grave sins don't impede infallibility
14:18 - Papal ABCs - infallible, can sin, bishops can't depose, has jurisdiction
15:09 - Synod results still depend on pope
16:15 - Be at peace, Holy Spirit doesn't fail
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