Christ’s Miracles of Healing and Exorcism – Sep 06 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Sep 06, 2023, on how the miraculous healings and exorcisms of Jesus in today's gospel from Luke symbolize salvation is available to all, drawing parallels to creation and the first reading from Colossians emphasizes genuine faith and the uniqueness of Christ.

Today's Gospel continues from yesterday's, where after preaching in the synagogue, Jesus went to Peter's house. There, He healed Peter's mother-in-law, showcasing His power to heal rapidly. This act of healing, as mentioned in St. Luke's Gospel -, signifies Jesus' first instances of casting out a demon and healing someone. St. Ambrose interprets these acts as Jesus, showing salvation is for both sexes, drawing parallels to the creation of man and woman as mentioned in Genesis - He emphasizes that Jesus has the power to free us from all evils, both natural and preternatural.

St. Ambrose further interprets the fever of Peter's mother-in-law as symbolic of our human afflictions and passions. As the sun sets, marking the end of the Sabbath as described in Genesis -, people brought their afflicted to Jesus. He healed them, showcasing the power of resurrection. The next day, Jesus went to a secluded place to pray, reflecting on the varied receptions he received in Nazareth and Capernaum. Despite the crowd's pleas, Jesus continued His mission to preach the good news elsewhere.

St. Paul, in his letters, speaks of the evangelization of cities like Colossae by Epaphras. St. Paul praises the Colossians for their genuine faith, which is evident through their charity and hope, as described in Matthew 7:16 - - "By their fruits, you will know them." He warns them against the dangers of syncretism and emphasizes the uniqueness of Christ, urging them to recognize and accept Him.

00:00 - Introduction
00:47 - Jesus heals a man and a woman, showing salvation for both
02:02 - He frees from demon and disease, all evils
03:23 - Sabbath ends, people bring sick to Jesus
04:04 - Sunday is the Lord's Day of healing
04:46 - Jesus preaches in Judea after Galilee
05:26 - Church continues Christ's mission
06:06 - Colossians accept the genuine Gospel
06:49 - Understanding Christ's uniqueness still key today

Ave Maria!

Mass: Wednesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: col 1:1-8
Resp: psa 52:10, 11
Gsp: luk 4:38-44

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