The Ultimate Crown for the Queen – Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle
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Ave Maria!
Every year, the Church celebrates the Queenship of Mary. Why is Mary a Queen, and what is the ultimate crown for this Queen? Tune into this Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle for the answer.
Welcome to MaryLive with Dr. Mark Miravalle. Today, we celebrate the Queenship of Our Lady on August 22nd. Mary is the Queen Mother, drawing from the Old Testament's Queen Mother tradition, Gebirah. St. Louis de Montfort illustrates this with the image of a golden platter, emphasizing Mary's powerful intercession.
The fifth Marian dogma is paramount. It recognizes Mary as our spiritual Mother, encompassing her roles as Coredemtrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate. This dogma would highlight Mary's relationship with humanity, akin to her other dogmas: Mother of God, perpetual virginity, Immaculate Conception, and Assumption. These dogmas, confirmed by Popes or councils, emphasize Mary's unique attributes and her relationship with Jesus. Yet, none explicitly address her relationship to us. This dogma would express our gratitude to Mary, acknowledging her maternal role.
Seven benefits of the fifth Marian dogma:
- It allows Mary to fully intercede for us, releasing unparalleled grace for the Church and the world.
- It completes the truth about Mary, emphasizing her relationship to us.
- It underscores the redemptive nature of suffering, as seen in Mary's role as Co-redemptrix.
- It highlights the importance of cooperating with grace, exemplified by Mary's fiat.
- It accentuates human dignity and the pinnacle of feminine dignity found in Mary.
- It clarifies Mary's role for ecumenical dialogue, ensuring accurate understanding.
- Authentic Marian private revelations stress the dogma's necessity for world peace.
We are amidst a spiritual battle, as depicted in Revelation. Pope Francis warns of Satan's advancements. We need Mary, the woman clothed with the Sun from Revelation 12, to lead us. Pray for the proclamation of the fifth Marian dogma and for Pope Francis. Use the prayer of the Lady of all Nations, given to prepare for this dogma. Petition the Holy Father, emphasizing the dogma's urgency. Let's conclude with the prayer of the Lady of all Nations. Thank you for joining Mary Live.
00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Mary as Queen Mother
01:18 - Why a New Dogma Would Honor Mary
05:03 - Seven Fruits of the 5th Dogma
08:27 - Marian Apparitions Support the Dogma
12:51 - Urgent Need Amidst Spiritual Battle
14:14 - Pray for the Pope's Heart
15:15 - Praying for the Dogma
+++ - MLIV 129
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