St Pius X vs Modernism – Aug 21 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Aug 21, 2023, on Pope St. Pius X's stand against modernism and the Church's unwavering doctrine of faith. Dive deep into the essence of true forgiveness and the role of our Blessed Lady.
Pope St. Pius X recognized the threat of the heresy called modernism to the Church. He established the oath against modernism, ensuring those in teaching roles within the Church understood and rejected its erroneous propositions. One key proposition of the oath emphasizes that the doctrine of faith has been consistently handed down from the Apostles through the Fathers. It rejects the idea that dogmas evolve or change in meaning over time.
The faithful should be equipped to identify teachings or opinions that contradict the Church's teachings. For instance, Catholic doctrine states that to receive forgiveness from God, one must have a firm purpose of amendment, meaning a genuine intention not to commit the sin again. Any teaching suggesting that one can continue sinning and still be forgiven contradicts this doctrine. When faced with ambiguous teachings, it's essential to interpret them in line with the Church's teachings, giving the benefit of the doubt to the theologian or teacher.
Modernism remains a threat to the faith. We must be vigilant against it and pray to our Blessed Lady, the guardian of the faith, for protection. St. Pius X's devotion to her serves as a model for us all.
00:00 - Introduction
00:11 - Pope St. Pius X's Pontificate
00:29 - The Oath Against Modernism
01:04 - Recognizing Contradictions with Doctrine
03:06 - Dealing with Ambiguous Teachings
06:13 - Modernists' Stealthy Plans
08:57 - Interpreting Ambiguity with Church Teaching
09:17 - Dangers of Modernism Today
09:30 - Our Lady as Guardian of the Faith
Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Pope Pius X, 1907) - - document by Pope Pius X that criticizes the Modernists for incorporating philosophical principles into their historical studies and criticism, and argues against their agnostic, immanentist, and evolutionist criticism, stating that their methods and doctrines are filled with errors and would be fatal to any religion.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Pius X -
Readings: Monday 20th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: jdg 2:11-19
Resp: psa 106:34-37, 39-40, 43, 44
Gsp: mat 19:16-22
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