Catechesis on Sexuality 2: Roots of Gender Theory, Part 1 – Aug 18 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Aug 18, 2023, on the roots of Gender Theory, focusing today on Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood with her eugenics evangelicalism that promoted contraception, the first divorce of sexuality from procreation, leading to the idea that we must control nature to be free.
Today, we delve deeper into gender theory, referencing our Lord's words in the Gospel: [Matthew 19:4 - He said in reply, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female' -]. Gender theory, often adopted for political reasons, lacks a scientific foundation. It's essential to understand that ideologies like this can distort our perception of reality.
Belief and behavior are intertwined. Holding beliefs contrary to God's revelation, such as being pro-choice, is a sin against the [First Commandment - I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me -] and the [Fifth Commandment - You shall not kill -].
The rise of gender theory is linked to contraception, which separates sexual activity from procreation. God intended marriage, sexual activity, and procreation to be interconnected. Distorting this divine plan leads to a life devoid of purpose.
Margaret Sanger, founder of the birth control movement in America, championed contraception and believed in controlling nature rather than self-control. Her ideologies have significantly influenced today's views on sexuality and procreation. Sanger's vision for society was rooted in eugenics, aiming to control population growth, especially among the poor and non-whites.
Today, many view fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood as hindrances to freedom, a perspective heavily influenced by Sanger's beliefs. We will discuss how this contributes to the gender confusion prevalent in our society in future videos.
In conclusion, let's seek guidance from Our Lady to avoid these errors and align our thoughts with God's divine plan.
Ave Maria!
00:00 – Introduction and Gospel Reference
00:25 – Origins and Definition of Gender Theory
01:40 – The Importance of Correct Beliefs and the Sin of Pro-Choice
02:37 – The Roots of Gender Theory and the Role of Contraception
04:27 – Margaret Sanger's Influence and Beliefs
09:13 – The Impact of Birth Control and Abortion on Society
11:00 – The Cultural Shift and Gender Confusion
15:28 – Conclusion and Call to Align with God's Thoughts
Gender Theory Bibliography
Benedict XVI Christmas Audience to Roman Curia, 2012. -
Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory, Ignatius Press, 2022. -
Catholic Diocese of Arlington, A Catechesis on the Human Person & Gender Ideology, August 12, 2021. -
Mary Eberstadt, Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution, Ignatius Press, 2012. -
Donald De Marco & Benjamin Wiker, Architects of the Culture of Death, Ignatius Press, 2004. -
John Grabowski, Unraveling Gender: The Battle over Sexual Difference, TAN Books, 2022. -
Michele M. Schumacher, Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and its Human Imitations, Emmaus Academic, 2023. -
Paul M. Quay, The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality: Expanded Edition, Ignatius Press, 2017. -
John DeSilva Finley, Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation, Emmaus Road Publishing, 2022. -
Congregation for Catholic Education, Male & Female He Created Them: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, Vatican City, 2019. -
Playlist for Gender Theology:
Mass: Friday 19th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: jos 24:1-13
Resp: psa 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24
Gsp: mat 19:3-12
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