Catechesis on Sexuality 1 – Aug 08 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Aug 08, 2023, where he starts a new short series on the nature of gender theory and introduces the basics of what it is, how it is radically subjective, a denial of reality and very much opposed to Catholic teaching and the natural law.
Gender theory challenges traditional beliefs about sexuality, suggesting that gender is a social construct rather than a biological fact. This theory posits that reality is socially, culturally, or individually constructed. Phrases like "Woman is just a social construct" and "Gender is just a social construct" are common. The theory aims to redefine humanity, detaching it from an objective understanding of reality.
Gender theory differentiates between sex and gender. Historically, these terms were synonymous. However, gender theorists argue that while one's biological sex is fixed, gender is fluid and self-determined. This perspective has led to debates about gender identity and the treatment of individuals with gender dysphoria, especially children. Early interventions, such as hormone blockers and surgery have lifelong consequences.
Gender theory is rooted in a worldview that denies a creator God and the inherent nature of man and woman. [Genesis 1:27 - God created man in his image; male and female he created them -]. It suggests that terms like "man" and "woman" are mere social constructs without fixed meanings. This perspective impacts language, leading to debates about pronouns and identity.
Pope Francis, in a 2017 address, referred to this as the "utopia of the neuter." As faithful Catholics, we are called to discern these teachings and seek guidance from Our Lady against such doctrines. Gender theory, often likened to the new Gnosticism, will be further explored in future reflections.
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Beginning the Series on Gender Theory
00:56 - What is Gender Theory?
02:54 - Problems with Gender Theory
05:50 - Childhood Transitioning
07:13 - Totalitarian Aspects
09:09 - Meaninglessness of Life
11:04 - Mutilating the Body
13:25 - We're All Transgender Now
14:48 - Nominalism
16:02 - Power and Language
18:04 - Empty Meaning
19:09 - Abolition of Male and Female
Gender Theory Bibliography
Benedict XVI Christmas Audience to Roman Curia, 2012. -
Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory, Ignatius Press, 2022. -
Catholic Diocese of Arlington, A Catechesis on the Human Person & Gender Ideology, August 12, 2021. -
Mary Eberstadt, Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution, Ignatius Press, 2012. -
Donald De Marco & Benjamin Wiker, Architects of the Culture of Death, Ignatius Press, 2004. -
John Grabowski, Unraveling Gender: The Battle over Sexual Difference, TAN Books, 2022. -
Michele M. Schumacher, Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and its Human Imitations, Emmaus Academic, 2023. -
Paul M. Quay, The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality: Expanded Edition, Ignatius Press, 2017. -
John DeSilva Finley, Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation, Emmaus Road Publishing, 2022. -
Congregation for Catholic Education, Male & Female He Created Them: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, Vatican City, 2019. -
Ave Maria!
Mass: Holy Father Dominic (USCCB Lk 9) - Mem -
Readings: -
1st: 1co 2:1-10
Resp: psa 96:1-3, 7-8, 10
Gsp: luk 9:57-62
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