Mary and the Burning Bush – Jul 19 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence
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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jul 19, 2023, on how the marvel of the burning bush on Mt Horeb witnessed by Moses is a symbol of Mary whose virginity will not be consumed by her motherhood and how this points to the divinity of Jesus and his redemption.
Moses fled to Midian, married, and bore two children after the events in yesterday's readings. One day, Moses saw a burning bush, a strange phenomenon where the fire didn't consume the bush. As he drew closer, God revealed that this was a holy site, the mountain where he must lead the Hebrews to establish a covenant with God. This covenant law would help them recognize the sin enslaving their souls, a slavery even worse than their physical oppression. Despite being God's chosen people, their liberation only began when they cried out to God in their physical distress.
God's mercy is to those he chooses, but we must pray to receive His gifts. Moses, though chosen, was reluctant to return to Egypt due to his past and lack of persuasive skills. God gave Moses a sign, but it required faith, as it wouldn't be visible until his mission's end.
The Gospel shows the mystery of election. Jesus praises the Father for revealing the kingdom's secrets to the humble, not the learned or wise. Christ speaks especially to his apostles, chosen from humble fishermen, not learned rabbis. God chooses the poor, ignorant, and weak, making them spiritually rich, wise, and powerful.
The kingdom's mysteries are known only to those to whom God and Christ reveal them. They are accepted by faith, requiring humility. These mysteries were revealed to Mary, the humble handmaid of the Lord, prefigured by the burning bush. God used the burning bush to draw Moses and signify future events. As St. Ephraim marvels, Mary carried the flame of divinity in her womb, like the bush carried God, without being consumed.
The bush represents Mary on two levels: her virginity remains intact despite motherhood, and she carries God, a consuming fire, in her womb without being consumed, aflame with divine grace and love. This holy ground, the place of encounter with God, is also represented by Mary, who gave us Christ, the one God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Mary's virginity signifies the son's divinity, revealing the Trinity and the new Moses, Christ, who delivers God's people from sin. As we marvel at this sight, let's contemplate Mary's mystery, who remains a virgin while being the mother of God.
00:00 - Intro - Moses: Fleeing to Midian and Encounter with God
00:38 - The Covenant and the Hebrews' Struggles
01:03 - God's Promise, Moses' Reluctance, and the Mystery of Election
01:56 - The Secrets of the Kingdom and the Role of Humility
02:57 - The Symbol of the Burning Bush: Connection to Mary and Christ
04:19 - The Holy Ground and the Encounter with God through Mary
05:14 - Progress in the Revelation of God: From Burning Bush to Incarnation
05:42 - Contemplation on the Remarkable Sight and the Mystery of Mary
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 15th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: exo 3:1-6, 9-12
Resp: psa 103:1-4, 6-7
Gsp: mat 11:25-27
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