St. Elizabeth of Portugal – Jul 05 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jul 05, 2023, on the life of St. Elizabeth of Portugal, a queen who gave a great example of piety, peacemaking, pardon, and charity.

From today's Gospel, we understand that Jesus permits certain situations where individuals must choose between God and material wealth. The scene with the demons entering the swine shows the nature of demonic beings, their impure nature, their numbers, and their lack of independent power. This ultimately led the people to choose between Jesus, a liberator, vs. demons, who are enslavers. Surprisingly, the people, motivated by worldly fear, chose the latter. Despite this choice, Jesus left the men he had exorcised as witnesses for possible future reconsideration.

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, born a princess, married King Denis of Portugal, and had two children, Alfonso and Constance. Despite her husband's infidelity and preference for his illegitimate son, Alfonso Sanchez, St. Elizabeth demonstrated great virtue, raising all the children with charity and aiding the poor. Her fortitude in forgiving offenses and making peace were invaluable during the period of civil unrest between her legitimate son, Alfonso, and King Denis.

Following her husband's death and her son's ascension, St. Elizabeth focused on her spiritual journey. She gave away her possessions, lived as a Franciscan tertiary, and carried out her final peacemaking mission, this time between her son and son-in-law, which ultimately led to her death in 1336. Her remains found incorrupt, and the miracles attributed to her led to her canonization in 1625.

Here are the biblical references included in the homily:

Galatians 4:29 - Ishmael persecuted Isaac -
Matthew 6:24 - Cannot serve God and mammon -
Psalm 34:7 - The Lord hears the cry of the poor -

00:00 – Introduction and Explanation of Biblical Reading
02:04 – St. Elizabeth of Portugal: Early Life and Royal Marriage
03:06 – Struggles within the Royal Family and Elizabeth's Virtues
04:03 – Her Charity and Peacemaking Efforts
05:34 – Final Years and her Path to Sanctification
06:55 – Last Peace Mission and Death
07:20 – Pilgrimages, Miracles, and Canonization of St. Elizabeth

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Elizabeth of Portugal (USA) - Opt Mem -
Readings: Wednesday 13th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: gen 21:5, 8-20
Resp: psa 34:7-8, 10-13
Gsp: mat 8:28-34

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