St Anthony: Humble Doctor of the Church – Jun 13 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jun 13, 2023, Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, on this Fransican's life who wisely and humbly accepted the will of God, as he was overlooked in the assignments given to other friars only to have his great wisdom and preaching ability discovered by "chance."

St. Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1195, baptized as Fernando. He joined the Augustinian friars at 15, but seeking quiet and contemplation, he moved to the friary of the Holy Cross in Coimbra. Inspired by the martyrdom of the Franciscan proto-martyrs, he joined the Franciscans and took the name Anthony. His mission in Morocco was cut short due to illness, and a ship mishap landed him in Sicily. From there, he attended the general chapter of the Franciscans in Assisi.

Anthony was assigned to a hermitage near Forli after the chapter. He was asked to preach at an ordination when no one else was prepared, revealing his eloquence and theological insight. Following this, he was sent throughout Lombardy to preach and also taught theology in Bologna and Padua.

St. Francis sent Anthony to southern France to preach against the Albigensian heretics. Known as the Hammer of Heretics, Anthony's speeches and miracles persuaded many. In Bourges, he performed a public miracle proving Christ's presence in the Eucharist, converting the heretic leader Guyard.

St. Anthony worked many miracles, and while preaching in Rome, everyone heard him in their own language, leading Pope Gregory IX to dub him the Ark of the Testament. Near the end of his life, St. Anthony retired to a cell north of Padua for contemplation, where he had visions of the child Jesus. He passed away singing to Our Lady at the age of 36.

00:00 – Introduction
00:09 – St. Anthony's Early Life and Religious Journey
00:47 – Encounter with the Franciscan Proto-martyrs and His Transformation
01:43 – The Great Chapter of 1221 and St. Anthony's New Role
02:44 – Preaching and His Rise to Prominence
03:39 – Battles Against Heresy and His Miraculous Works
05:41 – Final Days and His Death

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Anthony of Padua - Feast -
Readings:  -
1st: wis 7:7-14
Resp: psa 40:3-4, 10-11, 17
Gsp: mar 16:15-20

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