Tobit: Healing, Resurrection and Salvation – Jun 07 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jun 07, 2023, on how today's readings from Tobit and Mark relate to healing, resurrection and salvation

The Sadducees try to refute the doctrine of resurrection using a story similar to the tale of Sarah, a seven-times widowed woman from the Book of Tobit, despite their disbelief in its content. Tobit's suffering, similar to Job, leads him to prayer, pleading mercy from God, asking for an end to his misery, if not from his sins, perhaps from those of his ancestors. He asks God for death as a release from his unbearable life [Tobit 3:6 -].

Simultaneously, Sarah, facing a different kind of suffering, prays for death as well, both prayers being heard by God, but instead of granting death, He sends healing through the intercession of Raphael [Tobit 3:17 -]. Raphael, "medicine of God," proves that good deeds, like Tobit's charity, empower prayers. It is important to note that Biblical figures such as Job, Moses, Elijah, and Jonah, despite praying for death, did not receive what they asked for, underlining God's divine plans beyond their comprehension.

The narrative further uncovers Tobit's revelation of a substantial sum of money left in another country twenty years ago. Believing that God would answer his prayer for death, he leaves instructions for his son Tobias to retrieve it. He also leaves his testament, advising righteousness, mercy, and charity [Tobit 4 -].

Their companion on the journey turns out to be the Archangel Raphael, unknowingly, till their safe return. This story is interpreted by St. Bede as a representation of the Lord as the bridegroom (Tobiah) and the spirit (Raphael). The victory over the demon signifies Christ's triumph over the devil through divine power, thereby uniting pagan peoples with Himself.

Raphael as the healing angel epitomizes the Lord, bringing salvation to the Jews from unbelief and Gentiles from idolatry. Christ brings healing and liberation from spiritual blindness and idolatry. These teachings are reminders of God's faithfulness and the strength of prayer while shedding light on Christ's relation to His church.

00:00 – Introduction: The Case of the Sadducees and Sarah
00:41 – Tobit's Suffering and Prayer
02:03 – The Parallel Struggles of Sarah and Tobit
02:57 – On Praying for Death and Divine Plans
03:40 – Intercession of Raphael and the Power of Almsgiving
04:08 – Tobit’s Wealth and Testament to His Son
05:27 – Spiritual Meanings and Parallels to Christ
07:36 – Healing and Redemption of the Jewish People and Gentiles

Ave Maria!

Mass: Wednesday 9th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: tob 3:1-11, 16
Resp: psa 25:2-9
Gsp: mar 12:18-27

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