Called to Proclaim the Gospel – May 12 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on May 12, 2023, on the life of St. Leopold Mandic and how he worked for unity between Catholics and Eastern Orthodox.
We understand from the first reading that the pagans were hearing the gospel and entering the Church and this was a significant event, as the true faith had not been shared with the Gentiles before. The whole world, including those outside God's chosen people, were called to communion with God. St. Leopold Mandic, a Franciscan saint, desired to share the gospel and worked for the conversion of the Orthodox to the Catholic Church.
We can offer our daily work and good deeds for a holy purpose like St. Leopold. God is all-powerful, and we can offer our good works for others' conversion. Unity of Christians means conversion to the Catholic Church, as God does not want many religions or Christian denominations. These divisions are due to human intervention against God's will.
Catholics should remember that their exalted condition results from the grace of Christ, and they should live up to that grace and mercy. The gospel should be shared with others, not to boast, but to offer God's mercy. As St. Paul VI stated, it is crucial to preach the gospel and help others receive salvation. Tomorrow's feast of Our Lady of Fatima reminds us of Our Lady's concern for the conversion of Russia and all nations not in communion with the Catholic Church. We must respond to God's grace and mercy and share it with others.
Congregation for The Doctrine of The Faith Declaration "Dominus Iesus" on The Unicity and Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and The Church, Paragraph 4 & 22, -
Apostolic Exhortation - Pope Paul VI - Evangelii Nuntiandi (Proclaiming the Gospel) paragraph 80 -
00:00 - Introduction
00:20 - The Gospel Reaching Pagans and Gentiles
01:01 - St. Leopold Mandich: A Brief Biography
02:02 - St. Leopold's Ministry: Hearing Confessions
02:57 - Offering Our Good Works for a Holy Purpose
04:11 - Unity of Christians and Conversion to the Catholic Church
05:22 - Religious Pluralism and God's Will
07:01 - The Responsibility of Being Catholic
08:05 - St. Paul VI: Thoughts on Evangelization
09:13 - Our Lady of Fatima, Conversion of Russia
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Leopold Mandic - Opt Mem -
Readings: Friday 5th Week of Easter -
1st: act 15:22-31
Resp: psa 57:8-12
Gsp: joh 15:12-17
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