Persevere to Eternal Life – May 07 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on May 07, 2023, on how the disciples were troubled during the last supper due to the predictions that he would be betrayed and leave them to go a place they can't go. Despite this, they were called to persevere and were rewarded with much fruit in their apostolic work and eternal life as well.

Do not let your hearts be troubled, Jesus said in John 14. Today's Gospel discusses the apostles' troubled hearts at the Last Supper. Jesus predicts betrayal, separation, and Peter's denial of Christ.

Jesus tries to comfort them, explaining He goes to prepare a place for them in heaven. His death, resurrection, and ascension will make room for the elect. There's enough room for everyone in heaven, but not everyone goes due to a lack of effort. The glory of heaven varies depending on one's charity in life.

During the Last Supper, Jesus reveals Himself as the way, the truth, and the light (John 14:6 - St. Augustine explains that Jesus is the way to the Father, the only way. Jesus states that seeing Him is seeing the Father, as they are one (John 10:30 -

Jesus promises that believers will do greater works than He, as He goes to the Father and sends the Holy Spirit (John 14:12 - Believers can do the Father's works, like giving eternal life to souls. Faith in Jesus leads to eternal life, as He told Martha in John 11:25-26 -

The Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, continues to bring millions to faith and eternal life.

00:00 – Introduction
00:15 – Troubled Hearts at the Last Supper
00:38 – Betrayal, Separation, and Denial
01:04 – Jesus Going to Prepare a Place
01:35 – Many Mansions in Heaven
02:37 – The Importance of Charity
03:06 – The Apostles Following Jesus Later
04:01 – The Eucharistic Sacrifice and Priesthood of the Baptized
04:27 – Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Light
05:24 – The Unity of the Father and the Son
06:11 – Jesus' Works Reflecting the Father
06:56 – Greater Works Through the Holy Spirit
07:33 – Eternal Life Through Faith and the Church

Ave Maria!

Mass: Sunday 5th Week of Easter - Sunday
Readings:  -
1st: act 6:1-7
Resp: psa 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
2nd: 1pe 2:4-9
Gsp: joh 14:1-12

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