Eternal Rewards for Work Here – May 01 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on May 01, 2023, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, on how work has inherent value even if it has become more difficult and degrading since the fall of Adam.

Today's feast, instituted by Pius XII, highlights the Catholic approach to error, contrasting with the Protestant approach. The Catholic Church gives work its true sense, as work has eternal value. In the Collect, we see the Creator laid down the law of work when he placed man in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15 - Man was placed in the Garden of Eden to till and keep it - Work is a sacred task and service of God, which becomes most apparent looking at the duties of the priesthood (Numbers 18 - Duties of priests in the Tabernacle - However, work takes on a new character after original sin (Genesis 3:17-19 - Cursed is the ground, and toil and sweat of the face will be required to eat bread -

The Incarnation of the Word of God, Christ's work with St. Joseph, and the redemption renew work's value. Manual labor becomes sublime, divine, and compatible with prayer. St. Paul reminds us to work for Christ (Colossians 3:17 - Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus -; Colossians 3:23-24 - Work from the heart for the Lord, and receive the inheritance - St. Ambrose sees every worker as God's hand, while St. Bernard of Clairvaux contemplated during manual labor.

We can sanctify work by dedicating it to God and acting for a supernatural motive. We can unite ourselves to God through our will and thought, using prayers like the rosary or passages from Psalms. Remembering the Trinity, Our Lady, or our guardian angel during work can help us maintain a connection to God. In this way, we sanctify our work and offer it to the Most Holy Trinity.

00:00 – Introduction
00:18 – The Catholic Approach to Labor Day
01:08 – The Law of Work and its Connection to Priests
01:46 – The Dual Nature of Work after Original Sin
02:47 – The Renewal of Work through Redemption
03:05 – The Greek Perspective on Manual Labor
04:15 – The Sanctity of Work and Prayer
05:06 – The Intention Behind Work
06:24 – The Interior Aspect of Work
07:28 – Work as an Occasion for Contemplation
08:22 – Maintaining a Connection with God

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Joseph the Worker - Feast
1st: gen 1:26-2:3
Resp: psa 90:2, 3-4, 12-13, 14, 16
Gsp: mat 13:54-58

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