Mother of Good Counsel – Apr 26 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Apr 26, 2023, Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, on the role of Mary as the great counselor in our lives and in the Church.

today we celebrate the Marian feast of Our Lady of Mother of Good Council, who's venerated at the Augustinian sanctuary dedicated to her in Genazzano, Italy. In Proverbs 15: 22 - without counsel, plans go wrong, but with many advisors, they succeed - Our Lady is called the Mother of Good Council because she's the Mother of Our Lord, who is called the Wonderful Counselor in Isaiah 9: 6 - a child is born and called Wonderful Counselor -, and the spouse of the Holy Spirit. At the last supper, Our Lord calls the Holy Spirit the Counselor in John 14 - and John 16 -

Mary's counsel is to do whatever Jesus tells you, John 2: 5 - Mary tells the servants to do whatever Jesus says - It is similar to God the Father's counsel, who on Mount Tabor told the three apostles to listen to Jesus, Matthew 17: 5 - God says this is my beloved Son, listen to Him - Jesus' main counsel is in the Sermon on the Mount, to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else will be given to you as well, (Matthew 6: 33 - seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to you -

The gift of counsel builds on the virtue of prudence, and it's the Holy Spirit who inspires and motivates us. Good counseling incorporates the spiritual dimension of a person, which includes being made for Christ (Colossians 1: 16 - all things were created through and for Christ -, becoming like God (Romans 8: 29 - God predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son -, and our destiny for eternal glory (Romans 2: 7 - those who seek glory and honor will have eternal life - It is important to be faithful to God's commandments for true happiness and peace, John 8: 34 - those who commit sin are slaves to sin -
When seeking counsel, it's important to turn to Our Lady and ask her for guidance in spiritual matters, such as discerning God's will, following Jesus, and overcoming sins or bad habits. Bring your serious questions and struggles to her, and she will guide you with her grace and wisdom. It is essential not to give up on your relationship with her, her son, or the Church. Be cautious of bad counselors, both in psychological and spiritual counseling. Proverbs 12: 5 - the thoughts of the righteous are just, the counsels of the wicked are treacherous - and Psalm 1: 1 - blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked - The counsel of those who are heretical or schismatic, sowing division, even if they claim to be the "true church," is to be avoided. (1 Corinthians 11: 18-19 - I hear that there are divisions among you; ... for only so will it become clear who among you are genuine -

We should not only ask God for Counsel, but listen to His answer. Learn to be quiet both interiorly and exteriorly, and give our attention to Him. (Psalm 95: 7 - Today, listen to the voice of the Lord - In prayer, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and Mary, and not on other distractions. By doing so, you will grow closer to them and be guided by their counsel throughout your life.

00:00 – Introduction
00:11 – Our Lady of Good Counsel and Her Importance
01:18 – The Counsel of God the Father and Our Lady
02:17 – The Gift of Counsel and Prudence
03:50 – Good Counseling vs. Bad Counseling
05:09 – Turning to Our Lady for Spiritual Guidance
06:38 – Avoiding Heretical and Schismatic Groups
08:45 – Bringing Trivial Concerns to Our Lady
09:46 – Being Receptive and Learning to Listen
10:19 – Closing Thoughts

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Ave Maria!

Mass: OLO Good Counsel - Feast
1st: isa 9:1-3, 5-6
Resp: sir 14:20-27
Gsp: joh 2:1-11

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