Minister to the Person in the Mirror – Apr 22 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Apr 22, 2023, on how the first deacons were ordained to take care of an internal problem of the Church relating to a lack of charity regarding the distribution of alms to the vulnerable widows in the early church. This was a development of the Church's organization and division of labor but also highlights the need for evangelizing ourselves first by opening our hearts in charity to others and this comes about by realizing and frequently remembering that God has loved us first.


Today's first reading discusses the early Church's internal strife between Palestinian Jews and Hellenistic Jews, particularly the neglect of Hellenistic widows in the distribution of food and alms. In response, the Apostles emphasized their priority of prayer and preaching (Acts 6: 3-4 - the Apostles' response - and instituted the diaconate to address the issue. The Apostles laid hands on the chosen men, consecrating and commissioning them (Acts 6: 6 - the Apostles prayed and laid hands on them - The reading highlights the importance of the different ministries in the Church and their roles in service.

The diaconate's institution is seen as an early step in the formation of the body of Christ, with the Holy Spirit guiding the process. All ministries within the Church are necessary and rooted in service, with prayer, liturgy, sacraments, preaching, and governance taking precedence. Love for others makes our witness credible (John 13: 35 - love one another as a sign of discipleship -

Evangelizing ourselves daily by internalizing the love of God is crucial. Telling ourselves the truth from God's perspective can help the love of God move from our minds to our hearts (John 8: 32 - the truth sets us free - Fr. encourages us to thank the Lord for the different ministries and ministers in the Church and to ask the Virgin Mary for the grace to internalize the gospel message that God loves us.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Saturday 2nd Week of Easter - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: act 6:1-7
Resp: psa 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
Gsp: joh 6:16-21

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