Fr. Elias is heading to Japan with a group on a pilgrimage to the Catholic sites there. He wants us to keep them all in our prayers and especially to pray to Our Lady of Japan according to the above prayer card, which you can download here. He hopes to be sending videos back from his trip as he goes.
PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF JAPAN (from Backside of the Card)
O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and Our Lady of Japan, please look down with motherly affection on your children, the people of Japan, and grant to them the grace to be reborn through the waters of baptism as your sons and daughters, children of God. In union with your sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, Your Son Jesus Christ generously shed His Blood and suffered for them and all unbelievers. This land has also been soaked by the blood of thousands, martyrs such as St. Peter Baptist, St. Paul Miki, St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and others. May their sacrifices be the seeds of Faith for many converts to the Church in Japan and may their deaths and heroic witness not be in vain.
Please give to the Catholics of Japan a renewed fervor, conviction and zeal to be prophets and witnesses to the saving truths of the Faith that was first preached to them by the zealous missionary, St. Francis Xavier and continued by the Marian Apostle, St. Maximilian Kolbe.
O Maria Kannon, do not permit that Your Son, Our Lord, remain unknown by unbelievers, but with the graces of conversion and sanctification, which have been entrusted to You as Mother of Mercy and Queen of the Missions, crush their idolatry and remove their infidelity, and bring Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, to them as you once did to your cousin Elizabeth. As the Star of the New Evangelization, transform by your Maternal mediation and care, the Land of the Rising Sun into the Land of the Risen Son.
+ Most Rev. William P. Callahan Bishop of La Crosse
January 25, 2021