Cooperating in the One Covenant – Mar 30 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Mar 30, 2023, on how we have entered into a covenant with Christ, but our salvation is not guaranteed; we must do our part just as was the case in the Old Testament and how this relates to the New Testament.
The error that there are two paths to salvation, Old and New
Council Florence 1442 - Those who willingly and knowingly do not
Pius XII - Quoting St. Leo, Old Covenant passed away, died on the cross
Vatican II - more pastoral language but the same teaching.
1985 - for Church Unity - not two ways of salvation, only one, which is the Church
2001 - Biblical Commission - Old Testament lacks Christ and, therefore, is unsatisfactory.
dicastery for unity - not two paths but one path, including the Jews
Amen, whoever keeps my word will see.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Thursday 5th Week of Lent - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: gen 17:3-9
Resp: psa 105:4-9
Gsp: joh 8:51-59
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