Private Revelation 101, Part 4 – Jan 20 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Jan 20, 2023, where he continues with his series on how to assess private revelation, covering how we should discern whether a supposed apparition or message from God is from the seer's own human imagination.
Tanqueray, Spiritual life: Natural qualities - Are they psychologically sound? Do they have common sense? Are they overly emotional? Physical health? Too much fasting? Overly active imagination? All these thing help but are not definitive.
Supernatural qualities - Virtues and Vices, prideful, willing to go to a spiritual director, God prefers simple souls, Again not definitive but signs, and can help bring out lies and misconception - The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology -
Summary - It is not easy, needs prudence and caution
Lumen Gentium 12 -
Preference or exclusive focus on private revelation is a bad sign that can lead us away from authoritative public revelations. But should not discard them altogether.
Don't need to hold to approved apparitions exclusively, sometimes need to look at unapproved if friends or parishioners are starting to follow it.
Playlist on this series on Private Revelation -
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Sebastian - Opt Mem
Readings: Friday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: heb 8:6-13
Resp: psa 85:8, 10-14
Gsp: mar 3:13-19
More on the Readings:
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