Practicing the Presence of God – Jan 15 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jan 15, 2023, on how we should "practice the presence of God" by keeping focused on the silent, loving presence of God even in the face of many worldly distractions. God is present. Even if He seems silent, he maintains His loving presence.


psalm 46: 1 God is a refuge, take a retreat in Him -

Rule 1 - ASK - whatever you need, ask for it

James 4: 2 you have needs because you do not ask -

Luke 18: 1 parable always pray and not lose heart -

he must Jn 3: 30 you increase I must decrease -

must live in a state of grace

When Adam and Eve fell, they hid from the presence of God Genesis 3, shame, pride -

Return to gods grace through the sacraments

Rule 2: be present to him as he is to us, ps 46: 7, 11 God is with us -

Matthew, last verse, behold I am with you always Mt 28: 20 -

So we must return the favor

Practice makes perfect, the more we practice the presence of God, the easier it becomes

Aristotle, love makes lovers like those they love

Say yes when God calls

1kin 19 12 small still voice -

We imitate those in our presence, so good to be in the presence of saints

Still small voice ps 46 be still and know I am god 10 -

We need to learn to be interiorly calm, quiet, still

Analogies of being in His presence

Like being in the presence of friends

Like being in the light, but need to be conscious of the light that lets us see

Need to choose to be conscious of God

Like the air, we breathe, rarely think about that, but without it, we die, God is more important. Apart from me, you can do nothing   John 15: 5 -

Wherever I go, God will be there ps 139: 7-12 God is inescapable and always accessible -

Psalms 19: 14 David, my savior, my rock, the thinking process is very important -

Paul take every thought captive in obedience to Christ 2 Corinthians 10: 5 - - thought phil 4: 8 -

do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of the mind of  rom 12: 2 -

Col 3: 1-2 -

Rom 8: 5 by living by the flesh set mind on the flesh and -

Eph 4: 22 33 put off the old man and be renewed in your mind -

thus you must train to be aware of God's presence

1 Thes 5: 17 constantly pray, putting ourselves in the presence of God -

ccc 2558 first sec on prayer, prayer is a relationship. by praying, we put ourselves in a relationship with God -

When we know the attributes of God, we will want to be in His presence

We need to look for his presence in 2 places: desert and Cross

desert lonely places and times

Cross in the presence of suffering. Sufferings do not impede our relationship with God rather it helps

Desert helps us to let go of things

Ave Maria!

Mass: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday
Readings:  -
1st: isa 49:3, 5-6
Resp: psa 40:2, 4, 7-10
2nd: 1co 1:1-3
Gsp: joh 1:29-34

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